New Geek on the Block
Technology, Sci-Fi, Gadgets, & Geekery.

Posts Tagged ‘Science Fiction


May 4, 2008

Over the past couple of days I helped my dear friend Jeremy with a project that he and fellow former film student Kyle have had in the works for quite some time. The project is a short sci-fi film called Hindsight, which they both co-wrote and produced with a miniscule budget, but lots of love. […]

Battlestar Galactica Theories Abound

April 21, 2008

[SPOILER ALERT] Please DO NOT read this post unless you are up to speed and caught up to the latest episode of BSG, otherwise you’ll just be mad, and possibly frightened. The last post about Battlestar Galactica seemed to get a fair bit of feedback, I’ve also had several lengthy conversations regarding what may be […]

Ender’s Game loses Wolfgang Peterson

April 19, 2008

The movie adaptation of Orson Scott Card’s classic sci-fi novel Ender’s GameĀ  has just lost another director. Wolfgange Peterson, director of Das Boot, and A Perfect Storm, was attached to direct the film, however after a lengthy pre-production he has dropped the project. Producers are still working on the film and hope that it will […]

You’d think astronauts would learn not to trust holodecks.

April 15, 2008

Word on the street is that Ronald D. Moore, creator of the new Battlestar Galactica, is working on a new show called Virtuality. The concept of the film is that a crew of 12 astronauts on a ten year journey to a distant solar system are forced to deal with a bug in their virtual […]

Laura Roslin is a Cylon!

April 13, 2008

Did I get your attention? No I’m not divulging any actual spoilers. Yes I know I’m a bad person for betraying you with the title of this post, sorry to anyone who thinks I just ruined something from an episode they have yet to see. I have ZERO proof that she is actually a cylon. […]